Preserving Our Heritage since 1968

The Hunters Hill Trust

The Hunters Hill Trust

Preserving Our Heritage since 1968

5 minutes to save the beauty of our neighbourhood?


If everyone who appreciates the trees that make our neighbourhood beautiful gives 5 minutes of their day, we  can stop the needless destruction that is happening now.

Call Anthony Roberts:  9817 4757

Call Minister Stuart Ayres:  8574 6500

urge them to call for a moratorium on chopping down trees.

It is easy to do and very effective.


trees for the chop

YESTERDAY: beautiful angophoras

Look on the trees in front of the white house immediately to the right of the boatshed for the last time.

The tree people removed the angophoras immediately in front of the house last week.

after treecutter

NOW : stripped bare

The house at 35 Bonnefin Road was designed by Alex Popov, who arranged the plan specifically to protect and keep these trees.

2015-02-07T22:40:52+11:00November 25, 2014|

We need to act now: change is possible for Gladesville shopping village

The monstrous impact of the Gladesville Shopping Village would be greatly reduced if HH Council decides to amend the planning controls for the site.  There is a proposal to increase the setback of the buildings along Flagstaff Street from zero to 4 metres.

flower in cityThis would improve pedestrian access and allow for deep soil planting along the site boundary.  It would soften the interface between the massive structure and the residential area.

We anticipate that there will be significant opposition to the proposal from Council staff and Council’s consultants.

Our Councillors will vote on the amendment.  They need to know that the community wants, and insists on, reasonable setbacks.  Help to strengthen their resolve.

Write to Council expressing your support for the amendments: or to PO Box 21 Hunters Hill 2110.


amended planCheck details: proposed amendment for Gladesville Shopping Village.  Submissions close on Wednesday 26th November.


2014-11-14T18:25:42+11:00November 14, 2014|

Moratorium on destruction of trees

beforeThe 10/50 clearing code is transforming our area.  The ‘garden suburb’ can so easily be destroyed, with no impact on bushfire safety.

The Hunters Hill Trust urges the government to take immediate action by declaring a moratorium on clearing before the beauty and character of the neighbourhood is further damaged.  Our submission to Stuart Ayres MP, Minister for Police and Emergency Services is available:  here.  Send your own letter based on this template.

See more about what has been happening to mature trees in our locality:  lost trees


2015-02-07T22:42:45+11:00October 18, 2014|

HHT Christmas party 2014

christmas bellsThe venue for this year’s Christmas Party is special. It is a house that has risen from the ashes of an infamous deliberately lit fire in the kitchen of what was then a restaurant. It has been wonderfully restored by the owners, Peter and Bridget Hawthorne, and is now their home. The National Trust honoured their work this year with a Built Heritage Award that includes the following commendation:

This project involved total reconstruction of a house on the edge of destruction showing an extraordinary amount of passion and commitment by its owners who clearly love it.


Hawthorne houseWhen: Thursday November 27, 2014 at 6.30 pm

Where: Bridget and Peter Hawthorne’s house at 5 Alexandra Street

Cost: $50 per person

RSVP: Maureen Flowers:

Post your cheque to:  The Secretary, Hunters Hill Trust, PO Box 85 Hunters Hill 2110

or Direct deposit (with your name)  HHT Westpac Gladesville, BSB 032 185  Account No 500410

Hawthorne house

2014-10-19T18:54:58+11:00October 18, 2014|

Council re-visits heritage listing

The Hunters Hill Trust and Gladesville Community Group have been taking action to prevent the demolition of the Council-owned cottage on the corner of Cowell and Flagstaff Streets, Gladesville.  You can read more: News about Cowell Street cottage

Cowell Street cottage

Cowell Street cottage



2014-08-07T13:28:32+10:00August 7, 2014|

opportunity for Council in Gladesville


Moch Pty Ltd’s development application for Gladesville Shopping Village has been withdrawn.

Since Hunters Hill Council owns 21% of the site at the proposed Gladesville Shopping Village it is in a very strong position to influence the quality of a future development on the site.

This will be the biggest development in Hunters’ Hill since the construction of the overpass when the freeway went through and divided the suburb 50 years ago.

Check the presentation given by Tony Coote, HHT President to Council on 14th July:  here 


2014-07-15T21:49:33+10:00July 15, 2014|

Grim financial outlook for Hunters Hill Council

Broken-piggy-bank-money_472_314_80Hunters Hill Trust is dismayed to see Hunters Hill Council’s latest financial forecast.

*  what community assets are at risk of being sold off? (remember Council is the custodian of our community assets, not the ‘owner)

*  will Council be able to preserve our unique local character and heritage?

Council’s draft Budget shows a staggering $400,000 associated with the unfortunate saga of the Gladesville Shopping Village development.   This will continue to be a financial drain as the development process continues.


For more information, read  HHT perspective on Hunters Hill Council’s BUDGET

2014-06-27T16:28:07+10:00June 27, 2014|

Crown land: so many precious places to protect

Jenolan Caves, Trumper Park, Ben Bullen State Forest, Yasmar Haberfield, Ben Bullen State Forest, Moxham Quarry Wetland and so many more need to be kept in public hands for the future.

Go to Crown land is our land for more information about the issues at stake and how to send your email or letter to the Crown Lands Management Review before June 30th.   Email the Premier here.

2014-06-25T00:47:37+10:00June 25, 2014|

What we need from a revised plan at Gladesville shops

  1. Restore the 5 meter wide setback from Cowell Street to ensure deep soil planting and a green wall along this boundary
  2. Pedestrian footpath along the western side of Flagstaff Street
  3. Heritage-listed cottage at 10 Cowell Street incorporated, not demolished
  4. Design with high architectural values
  5. Start by building a new underground car park so all the access issues are addressed and the overall bulk and scale of the building is reduced
  6. Give back to the community –  publicly accessible space and community amenities.

You can read HHT’s full letter to Council here.

a-sustainable-future-(2)A good example of how a large development can integrate public and private space and create a fine landscaped public area can be seen at the new Central Square in Broadway

2014-06-25T00:19:51+10:00June 25, 2014|

concern about Crown Lands in NSW

The Crown Lands estate covers millions of hectares across NSW, including significant areas of high conservation value, diverse environmental, social and cultural values.    

The sale or free-holding of Crown land cannot be supported.  Everyone is encouraged to send a submission to the Crown Lands Management Review before June 30th.

The Nature Conservation Council of NSW has summarised the key issues that need to be addressed in  a submission here.  You can also use or adapt this form letter that has been developed by the Ryde Hunters Hill Flora and Fauna Preservation Society.

2014-06-25T00:19:11+10:00June 23, 2014|
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