Hunters Hill Trust Christmas Party & Book Launch 2019
We had a very enjoyable Christmas Party and Book Launch on Thursday 28 November and were delighted with the positive feedback we received to the publication of the latest edition of ‘The Heritage of Hunters Hill’, our ‘Green Book’. This update has been made possible by the time and energy expended by members of the current committee who walked the streets taking new photos, talking to residents and spending long hours editing and adding to the information of previous editions.
Amongst the many compliments we received were these kind words from two of our living treasures and local identities:
Warmest congratulations on a wonderful achievement and an altogether beautiful product! It’s so impressive in every respect – the format, the layout, the design, the type face, the binding, the careful research, the lucid text, the photographs … and the expanded scope (eg a lovely section on Hillcrest Avenue, the sections on stonework, trees et al). Bev Sherry
I am delighted, plunging into The Heritage of Hunter’s Hill, convincingly shown. The areas are integral, the photos a pleasure, varied in size and style, surprising with history, a dock or a tree study. This will be valuable in years to come, defending, proclaiming the best of Hunter’s Hill. As time passes, beyond our boundaries we see trees replaced by hard-edged buildings, foreshores lost. This book gives a chance to demonstrate other values, other mores, so well. Congratulations on a superb product — coffee table, yes, but a serious case for our place. Thank you! Alice Oppen
Hunters Hill Trust AGM 2019
When: Thursday 16th May 6.45 pm for 7:00pm
Where: RSL Hall, corner of Ady and Alexandra Streets, Hunters Hill
AGM business: Nominations are called for the positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary (non-Minute taking) and 5 committee members. If you would like to nominate for any committee role, please complete this form and lodge it with the Secretary at least 7 days before the meeting. Nominees for positions must be financial members of the Trust and, similarly, those eligible to vote either at the meeting or by proxy, must also be financial members.
After our short AGM business there will be a general meeting and then our AGM talk:
“A ‘Saint’ from All Saints”
Our speaker this year will be Chris Schofield, President of the Historical Society, who will be regaling us with his fascinating research into a local identity. His talk is called “A ‘Saint’ from All Saints” a journey of local discovery. All members are welcome. Come and join us for some cheese and wine and an entertaining evening.
Lecture: Milton in stained glass
In this lecture, Beverley Sherry will focus on the representation of Milton’s work in stained glass, including:
- The Paradise Lost windows at Geneva College and Princeton University
- The Milton memorial window at St Margaret’s Church, Westminster
May 9th 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm organised by The Royal Australian Historical Society in conjunction with the Independent Scholars Association of Australia.
Portraits of John Milton and illustrations of his work date from the seventeenth century onwards, but it was not until the nineteenth century that they appeared in stained glass. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, stained glass had become a lost art form, until the Gothic Revival in the nineteenth century.
Buy tickets through the Royal Australian Historical Society
Hunters Hill Trust Christmas Party 2018
This year marks 50 years since the Hunters Hill Trust was formed and we’re delighted that our Christmas Party will be bigger and better than ever. To ensure we can accommodate as many members as possible, we’re holding it in the historic RSL Hall. We’ll have entertainment, music (maybe even some dancing) and would love you to join us for this celebration.
When: Friday 7 December 2018 from 6.30pm
Where: RSL Hall, corner Ady and Alexandra Streets
Cost: $65 per person
Hunters Hill Trust AGM 2018
When: Tuesday 6.45 pm for 7:00pm, Thursday June 21st, 2018
Where: RSL Hall, corner of Ady and Alexandra Streets, Hunters Hill
AGM business: reports from the outgoing President and Treasurer and the election of office bearers and committee members for the new year.
Nominations are called for the positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and 5 (maximum) committee members. If you would like to nominate, please complete and lodge this form with the Secretary at least 7 days before the meeting. Nominees for positions and their nominators need to be financial members of The Trust. After AGM business there will be a general meeting and then our AGM talk:
‘Reflections on Hunters Hill’
A panel of local people who have made significant contributions to the Hunters Hill Trust in the past will share their perspectives in ‘Reflections on Hunters Hill’. All members are welcome. Refreshments will be provided.
Hal Missingham Exhibition
Hal Missingham (1906-1994) was an artist, photographer and author and from 1945 to 1971 was Director of the Art Gallery of NSW. He lived in Alexandra Street, Hunters Hill. Hal was the first permanent director of the Art Gallery of NSW to fully embrace modernism, although he faced much resistance from the conservative members of the board of trustees. His collection policy at the Gallery made an outstanding contribution to Australian contemporary art.
When: Sat 21 April 1-4pm, Sun 22 April 2-4pm, Sun 29 April 2-4pm.
Where: Vienna Cottage, 38 Alexandra Street, Hunters Hill
Free entry
Heritage Festival Dinner and Talk on Hal Missingham
Lou Klepac, author of recent monograph on Missingham and Peter Missingham, Hal’s son will speak about his work and life.
When: Tuesday 8 May from 6.30pm
Where: Hunters Hill Club, 12 Madeline Street, Hunters Hill
$10 donation to Vienna Cottage. Food and drinks can be ordered from the Club.
Enquiries: or 9879.9443
Looking at architecture: Hunters Hill day
The National Trust is conducting a guided tour of heritage buildings in Hunters Hill focusing on Wybalena 1895, Waiwera 1878 and Wyralla that were all built by CE Jeanneret.
10:30am – 12noon and 1pm – 3pm, Tuesday 10th April.
Visit the National Trust website for tickets and further details.
George Hedgeland’s Stained Glass
Angela Phippen, Local Studies Librarian and Historian will provide a presentation on George Hedgeland, acclaimed designer of stained glass windows in the 19th century.
Hedgeland was also a Sydney surveyor and lived at Passy in Hunters Hill with his wife Annie Henning. Hedgeland is featured in the ‘Letters of Rachel Henning’.
When: 10:30-11:30 Tuesday February 20th
Where: Gladesville Library, 6 Pittwater Road Gladesville
Cost: Gold coin donation
Refreshments will be provided.
Bookings essential: george-headland-stained-glass-artist-tickets or phone 9952.8352
Hunters Hill Trust 2017 Christmas party
Elizabeth and David Dossetor kindly hosted our annual Christmas party at their historic Jeanneret house. Their gracious family home is filled with Australian art and set in a beautiful garden.
The house is said to have been a wedding present for CE Jeanneret’s youngest daughter Florence Hull. It shows the transition towards the Federation style with geometric woodwork trims and shingles.
Hunters Hill Trust AGM 2017
When: Tuesday 6.45 pm for 7:00pm, Tuesday May 30th, 2017
Where: RSL Hall, corner of Ady and Alexandra Streets, Hunters Hill
AGM business: reports from the outgoing President and Treasurer and the election of office bearers and committee members for the new year.
Nominations are called for the positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and 5 (maximum) committee members. If you would like to nominate, please complete and lodge this form with the Secretary at least 7 days before the meeting. Nominees for positions and their nominators need to be financial members of The Trust. After AGM business there will be a general meeting and then our AGM talk:
Researching the History of your House
Speaker: Angela Phippen, Local Studies and Family History Librarian, Ryde Library.
Angela Phippen has vast expertise in researching house histories and will provide guidance on how you can find out more about your house and its previous occupants.
Wine, cheese and biscuits will be provided. All welcome.
Cruise around Hunters Hill
Come on a guided boat trip around Hunters Hill. A light morning tea will be provided.
When: Sunday 2nd April 10:30-12:30
Where: Alexandra Street wharf
Bookings and enquiries:
Events are intended for Trust members and their friends and family. New members are welcome to join us
Hunters Hill Trust 2016 Christmas party
Trust members Barbara and Nick Dorsch kindly hosted our annual event at Avon, their historic home in Woolwich. Avon was built in 1890 on land that was once owned by Wilberforce S. Gale. The house was left to St John’s Church in 1920 that owned it until 1970.
When: Friday 16th December at 6.30pm
Where: ‘Avon’ 7 Gale Street, Hunters Hill
Cost: $55 per person
HHT Annual General Meeting 2016
When: 7.00 pm, Thursday April 28, 2016
Where: RSL Hall, corner of Ady and Alexandra Streets, Hunters Hill
AGM business: reports from the outgoing President and Treasurer and the election of office bearers and committee members for the new year.
Nominations are called for the positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and 5 (maximum) committee members. If you would like to nominate, please complete and lodge this form with the Secretary at least 7 days before the meeting. Nominees for positions and their nominators need to be financial members of The Trust.
After AGM business there will be a general meeting and then our AGM talk:
Anzac Memorial Centenary Project, Hyde Park: completing architect Bruce Dellits’ original vision of a water cascade to the south and new plans to build education and interpretation spaces.
Speaker: Caroline Mackaness, Director, Veterans’ Affairs, NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet. Caroline has extensive experience in the development, management and operation of State Significant Heritage and Cultural Facilities, including capital works and heritage conservation.
She is an historian and author of ‘Bridging Sydney’ for the 75th anniversary of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, ‘Sydney Then & Now’ and ‘An Edwardian Summer’.
Wine, cheese and biscuits will be provided after the talk.
HHT Christmas Party 2015
Hunters Hill Trust members Alf and Julie Cocco have kindly agreed to host our annual party at Waiwera, their historic sandstone home.
Charles Edward Jeanneret built Waiwera as an attached pair of houses with a tower in 1878. It was originally the home of Dr Frederick Norton Manning who was Superintendent of the Insane at Gladesville Hospital.
Speakers: Julie Cocco and Beverley Sherry
When: Thursday 26 November at 6.30pm
Where: ‘Waiwera’ 9 Woolwich Road, Hunters Hill
Cost: $50 per person
Climate Change: full of hot air?
People are invited to join a seminar by Dr Andrew Wallace as part of the Soundings Seminar series
When: 3:30pm for 4pm, Sunday August 9th
Where: All Saints Church Hall, Ambrose Street, Hunters Hill
Further details: Soundings Climate Change
Hunters Hill Trust AGM 2015
When: Thursday, May 14th at 7:30pm
Where: RSL Hall, 56 Alexandra Street, Hunters Hill
Speaker: Tony Coote, Sydney architect and HHT President
Refreshments will be provided.
Topic: Japan: Australian Perspectives
Tony Coote has been invited by curator Mark Stiles to be part of an exhibition called Japan: Australian Perspectives to be held at the Willoughby Incinerator Art Space at 2 Small St Willoughby from 6 May to 24 May (open Wednesday to Sunday 10am-4pm).
Tony’s particular interest in things Japanese comes through his association with the Sydney Zen Centre and the building of its retreat centre, Kodoji, in the Macdonald valley near St Albans. Construction of the complex started in 1984 and has been built mostly by volunteer labour. It is an ongoing project and will feature in the exhbition. Tony will talk a little about Kodoji and the influence of Japanese Architecture on Western architectural forms as well as the influence of some Japanese ideas on his own work.
Guided tour of Gladesville Hospital
Gladesville Hospital site includes many important and interesting heritage buildings, some of which date back to 1838.
A guided tour will be led by Peter Colthorpe, Friends of Gladesville Hospital.
Bookings: or 0434673101
Meet at the carpark opposite Banjo Paterson restaurant.
Tour dates: 4pm, 18th April and 1pm, 10th May
Aboriginal Astronomy and Cultural Heritage
Vienna Cottage Committee has organised a talk and documentary screening on Indigenous Astronomy and an exhibition on Aboriginal Cultural Heritage
Sat 11 April 2-4pm & Sun 26 April 2-4pm. $10 Vienna Cottage, 38 Alexandra St Hunters Hill
Exhibition admission Free
Enquiries John Birch 9816 1794
Launch of The Community Charter: Good Planning for NSW
Come to the launch of the Community Charter and hear what the local candidates for the seat of Lane Cove have to say about planning and development issues.
When: Thursday 5 March 2015 7pm
St Andrews Uniting Church, 47A Kenneth Street, Longueville
Light supper will be served, donation at the door.
MC: Genia McCaffery, former long-serving Mayor of North Sydney. Speakers:
- Rod Simpson, Associate Professor, Urban Design, Faculty of Architecture, Design & Planning, University of Sydney
- Kylie Bryden-Smith: the experience with the developments of the Mowbray Road Precinct.
Candidates for the seat of Lane Cove have been invited to attend and speak on planning and development issues.
Co-Hosted by the Lane Cove Bushland and Conservation Society, Stringybark Creek Residents Association and Hunters Hill Trust.
Hunters Hill Trust Christmas party 2014
The venue for this year’s Christmas Party is special. It is a house that has risen from the ashes of an infamous deliberately lit fire in the kitchen of what was then a restaurant. It has been wonderfully restored by the owners, Peter and Bridget Hawthorne, and is now their home. The National Trust honoured their work this year with a Built Heritage Award that includes the following commendation:
“This project involved total reconstruction of a house on the edge of destruction showing an extraordinary amount of passion and commitment by its owners who clearly love it.”
When: Thursday November 27, 2014 at 6.30 pm
Where: Bridget and Peter Hawthorne’s house at 5 Alexandra Street
Cost: $50 per person
Restoration of 5 Alexandra St. Hunters Hill: an illustrated talk by Bridget Hawthorne
Sunday 7 September at 2.30pm at Hunters Hill RSL Hall, 56 Alexandra St Hunters Hill.
The original house and small shop called Alexandra House was built by John Cuneo in 1867. In 1882 Frederick Nelson replaced it with a ten room stone house, store and shop. In the 1980s, it opened as a restaurant. On the night of 28 December 2004, fire swept through the building, gutting the interior and destroying the roof. Investigations revealed that the blaze was deliberately started. One person was convicted of arson, and another escaped overseas.
After being boarded up for seven years with major concerns in the community that it could be demolished, Peter and Bridget Hawthorne bought the house in 2012. Over the following two years they have lovingly restored it. As owner builders, the couple oversaw every piece of detailed work on the site.
Enquiries National Trust Vienna Committee: 9816 1794
Hunters Hill Trust AGM 2014
Guest speaker: The Hon Justice Michael Pembroke, Supreme Court of NSW and author of ‘Phillip Sailor, Mercenary,Governor, Spy’.
When: Thursday 15th May, 7:15pm for 7:30pm
Where: RSL Hall Alexandra Street Hunters Hill
All welcome. Refreshments will be provided.
Exhibition and Illustrated Talk on World Heritage and Cultural Tourism
Illustrated talk by John Birch AM, Sunday 13 April, 2.30pm, Hunters Hill RSL Hall, 36 Alexandra St.
World Heritage Sites that will be discussed include Angkor, Cartagena, Borobudur, Prambanan, Hoi An, My Son, rice terraces of Bali, Lavaux Vineyard terraces.
Traditions and living expressions inherited from our ancestors (Intangible Cultural Heritage) help maintain cultural diversity in the face of growing globalisation.
Admission $10 including refreshments. enquiries 9816 1794
Coal Seam Gas and the Sydney Water Catchment: Movie 7th April 6:30pm
William Weaver’s contribution to the style of Marine Villas in 1850s subdivisions in Hunters Hill
lllustrated talk by Ros Maguire, historian
Sunday 16 March at 2.30 pm Hunters Hill RSL Hall, 58 Alexandra St
From 1854, five or six years before Hunters Hill formed itself into a municipality, an assortment of villas, cottages and a chapel schoolhouse were constructed. The selection reveals a consistent and distinctive, contemporary architectural style, in form and detail.
With a new Ferry Street wharf providing access, many of the ‘marine villas’ were positioned within an easy distance, and had views over the Lane Cove and Parramatta Rivers.
The colonial architect William Weaver lived on the corner of Alexandra St and Stanley Rd. Between 1856 and 1860 some twelve 1850 sandstone villas built in Hunters Hill display Weaver like design details. The presence and professional guidance of an engineer/ architect, help us to understand both the design consistency and investor enthusiasm. Photographs which document the early period of development will be shown.
Admission $10 Refreshments served Enquiries 9816 1794 or
National Trust Vienna Committee and Hunters Hill Trust Forum on the new NSW Planning Legislation
Sunday 16 February 2.30 pm at Hunters Hill RSL Hall, 38 Alexandra Street.
Speakers :
- Robyn Christie, National Trust Board Member & President Hunters Hill Trust
- Phil Jenkyn OAM, conservationist activist & co-convenor Save Hunters Hill Municipality Coalition.
Free Admission. Refreshments will be served. Enquiries John Birch 98161794
Hunters Hill Trust Christmas Party 2013
6:30 pm, Friday 29 November 2013
at Gladesville Hospital Superintendent’s Building, 1878
Speaker: Jocelyn Jackson, architect responsible for the 1988 restoration of the building.
$50 per person.
Post your cheque to The Secretary, Hunters Hill Trust, PO Box 85 Hunters Hill 2110 OR Direct deposit (with your name) HHT Westpac Gladesville, BSB 032 185 Account No 500410.
For more photos of this beautiful building:
Jacaranda Time in Hunters Hill 2013
Jacaranda Festival program 26 October- 17 November 2013.
Walking tour of Cockatoo Island
Thursday May 16th 2pm-4pm.
Tour Leader: Nick Hollo, from Sydney Harbour Federation. Nick is an Architect, Artists and Urban Designer and will explain the island’s layered history from indigenous site to convict penal settlement, to ship building complex and dockyard, to venue for contemporary cultural events.
The ferry to Cockatoo Island leaves Circular Quay at 1:10, Thames St Balmain 1:22, Birchgrove 1:28, Greenwich 1:31 and Woolwich 1:34pm. Bring comfortable walking shoes and a hat.
Cost: $30, including afternoon tea & pastry
Enquiries: David Gaunt, Secretary Hunters Hill Trust
Hunters Hill Trust AGM 2013
Speaker: Corinne Fisher, The Better Planning Network
When: 6:30 pm Thursday 18th April
Where: RSL Hall, Alexandra Street Hunters Hill
Hunters Hill Trust Christmas Party 2012
This year we’re very fortunate to again be holding our event at another wonderful heritage home, that of Martin & Sue Tattersall, Vineta, 2 View Street, Woolwich, who have kindly agreed to open their house to us for the evening.
Our speaker will be John Richardson, a partner of Cox Richardson Architects, former President of the RAIA (NSW Chapter), current Board member of the National Trust of Australia (NSW) and VP of the Paddington Society. He is passionate about challenging the continuing threats to our heritage.
Come and join us for another lovely evening of good food, good wine and great company!
When: Wednesday 12th December at 6.00pm
Where: 2 View Street. Woolwich
Cost: $45 per person
Hunters Hill Trust AGM 2012
Trust Members and guests are warmly invited to the 2012 AGM on Wednesday 13 June 2012 at 7.30 pm. The meeting will now at All Saints Hall, on the corner of Ferry and Ambrose Streets, Hunters Hill.
Bob Clark from Sydney Harbour Federation Trust will provide a presentation on The Museum of Contemporary Art: Context at the Quay.
Hunters Hill Trust Foreshores Cruises
Explore the beautiful foreshores of Hunters Hill with commentary from local historians Graham Percival and Phil Jenkyn. Board the historic Rosman ferry, Lithgow at Alexandra Street Wharf, Hunters Hill.
2pm-5pm Wednesday April 18th limit 36 passengers
Bookings: Brigid Dowsett phone 9816 3168
- Lithgow ferry, built 1927
State of Siege: a significant documentary for our community
Join us to see Dennis Grosvenor’s outstanding documentary State of Siege which shows how community action protected us in the past, and underlines how we need to be pro-active to get the right sort of changes made to State planning regulations. Changes are in the pipeline now.
7:30pm September 15th, RSL Hall, Alexandra Street Hunters Hill.
FREE. Refreshments will be provided.
There will be a brief Special General Meeting shortly before the screening when will be putting a motion to adopt the minutes of the June meeting.
Trace the history of your house
Have you ever wondered whether your house had a name? Not sure when it was built? Would you like to know who lived in it?
Come to a ‘hands on’ workshop in the Local Studies Collection at Ryde Library. You will learn about the resources that will help you to undertake your own house history search. 2-hour sessions will be held during library hours Monday – Friday at Ryde Hunters Hill Library Service. Phone Angela on 9952 8353 to arrange a time.
Kirsty Ruddock to address 2011 AGM
7:30 pm Wednesday June 22nd, Fairland Hall, 14 Church Street, Hunters Hill
Speaker: Kirsty Ruddock is the Principal Solicitor for NSW Environmental Defenders Office (EDO). EDO is a not-for-profit organisation that helps individuals and community groups who are working to protect the natural and built environment. Kirsty specialises in public interest environmental law and will address some of the controversies about planning systems in NSW including the Barangaroo development.
Hunters Hill Trust is always keen to have input from new people. Please download and complete this form if you would like to join our committee: Nomination form
Hunters Hill Foreshore Cruise
Sunday April 3rd, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Join a leisurely cruise aboard the Rosman Ferry ‘Regal II’. Local guides Graham Percival and Phil Jenkyn will point out the many places of interest. Meet at Alexandra Street Wharf, Alexandra St. Hunters Hill.Cost: $25, including refreshments.Bookings essential: Sally Gaunt 9816-4047.
The French Village Walk
Sunday April 3rd, 10:00am – 12:30pm
Led by local guides Graham Percival and Phil Jenkyn features the Town Hall precinct and includes inspections of the National Trust’s Vienna Cottage, Congregational Church, All Saints Church and Historical Society Museum. Meet at Vienna Cottage, 38 Alexandra St. Hunters Hill. By donation.
Lane Cove River Cruise
Wednesday April 13th, 2pm – 5 pm
Travel on the Sydney Heritage Fleet’s historic vessel ‘Protex’ (c.1908) up the Lane Cove River and through the National Park. Commentary, afternoon tea and optional bushwalk. Bookings are essential as numbers are limited to 18. Phone Sally Gaunt 9816-4047.