The monstrous impact of the Gladesville Shopping Village would be greatly reduced if HH Council decides to amend the planning controls for the site.  There is a proposal to increase the setback of the buildings along Flagstaff Street from zero to 4 metres.

flower in cityThis would improve pedestrian access and allow for deep soil planting along the site boundary.  It would soften the interface between the massive structure and the residential area.

We anticipate that there will be significant opposition to the proposal from Council staff and Council’s consultants.

Our Councillors will vote on the amendment.  They need to know that the community wants, and insists on, reasonable setbacks.  Help to strengthen their resolve.

Write to Council expressing your support for the amendments: or to PO Box 21 Hunters Hill 2110.


amended planCheck details: proposed amendment for Gladesville Shopping Village.  Submissions close on Wednesday 26th November.