Preserving Our Heritage since 1968

The Hunters Hill Trust

The Hunters Hill Trust

Preserving Our Heritage since 1968

Gladesville Shopping Village: Traffic Impact

Road Delay Solutions Pty Ltd’s traffic impact assessment report concluded that the following changes would be needed to support the proposed development of the Gladesville Shopping Village site:

  • Partial closure of Flagstaff St, to the immediate south of Massey St
  • Closure of Cowell St at Flagstaff St
  • Single lane circulating roundabout at Cowell St and Flagstaff St intersection
  • Two way vehicle movement in Cowell St between the Cowell St closure at Flagstaff St to Venus St
  • Increase the current 42m long right turn bay in Victoria Rd northbound at Cowell St to 55m
  • All vehicular access to the site from Flagstaff St
  • Retain one way movement, northbound, in Flagstaff St, south, at Cowell St
  • All permissible vehicle movements from Flagstaff St approach through the roundabout on Cowell St
  • Timed right turn ban from Junction St into Flagstaff St during weekday commuter peak periods
  • Marked pedestrian foot crossings in both Cowell St and Flagstaff St
  • Set down bay in Cowell St, with 5 minute parking restriction, and Shared Zone within the Right of Way to the west of the site.

The full GSV Traffic Impact Assessment Report is available here.

2018-02-22T13:19:06+11:00February 22, 2018|

more big changes along Victoria Rd Gladesville

Commonwealth Bank

There are 3 new, separate developments proposed for Victoria Road, Gladesville.  Hunters Hill Council  has made these 3 DAs available so the community can check what is planned, and make informed comments:

233-235 Victoria Rd (now BWS) 4 levels parking, 1 level retail & commercial,  5 levels of units

223-227 Victoria Rd (now Gladesville Arcade) 3 levels parking, 1 level retail, 5 levels of units

219-221 Victoria Rd (now Commonwealth Bank) 3 levels parking, 1 level retail, 4 levels of units.  This DA keeps the existing facade with a 5 storey building behind.

Vehicle access to these three developments will be through the already busy Council car park.

2018-02-09T17:39:20+11:00February 8, 2018|

Our guided walks program 2018

The  Hunters Hill Trust’s walks committee has organised nine guided walks for members and their guests in 2018.  Add the dates to your calendar.  Enquiries:

25 February     Introduction to Croquet

18 March         Heritage Boat Trip

29 April            The Military Heritage of Hunters Hill

27 May             Gladesville Hospital, guided by Friends of Gladesville Hospital

24 June            The Heritage of Alexandra & Madeline Streets

29 July              TBA

26 August        Guided Walk around Cockatoo Island

30 September Guided bushwalk

4 November    Jacaranda Walk.

2018-02-22T11:37:34+11:00February 1, 2018|

Bad idea: subdivision at St Peter Chanel Church

St Peter Chanel Church (image Wikimedia)

Hunters Hill Trust objects to the Marist Fathers’ DA which proposes to carve off two 1000sqm house blocks from the landscaped area around St Peter Chanel Church along Crescent Street.  This subdivision would:

  • Significantly reduce the curtilage of the Church, which is is included in the heritage listing
  • Reduce the beautiful park-like setting of the church
  • Change the character of the Conservation Area, particularly in Crescent St by replacing the landscaped area with houses and driveways and removing large chunks of the existing rock forms.

Send written objections to DA 2017-1180 to Hunters Hill Council before February 16th. You can read HHT’s submission here. (more…)

2018-02-12T17:05:21+11:00January 31, 2018|

Decontaminate Hunters Hill

Concerned Hunters Hill residents are convening a public meeting to call for an end to  Government inaction that has delayed the decontamination of the Radium Hill industrial site in Hunters Hill for over 40 years.  Residents want the NSW government to act on the unanimous recommendations of the 2008 Parliamentary Inquiry to remediate the site in Nelson Parade.

Stakeholder area nominated by EPA Management Order

The land is owned by Property NSW. The EPA declared the site ‘significantly contaminated land’ in 2007. The EPA issued a compulsory Management Order requiring Property NSW to remediate the site in November 2014.

Approval of the remediation plan has been held up by the Department of Planning. Late last year the EPA ordered Property NSW to conduct a meeting with interested stakeholders (including over 500 households in the vicinity of the site) reporting on its progress in remediating the site.

Key Ministers have been invited to speak at the public meeting.

When:  7:00pm Tuesday 20th February

Where:  Hunters Hill Town Hall, Alexandra Street

More informationDecontaminate Hunters Hill.

Differing perspectives are expressed in the comments below:

2018-03-10T09:48:32+11:00January 29, 2018|

1814 ‘Smuggler’s Tunnels’ to be destroyed

brick barrel drain, Windsor bridge

Roads and Maritime Services workers have uncovered more of the brick barrel drain structure at Windsor Bridge.  These are known locally as the ‘Smuggler’s Tunnels’ and were commissioned in 1814.  They are the earliest known example of this type of infrastructure in Australia.

This structure will be destroyed when the NSW Government builds a bridge that directs traffic into intersections that will be beyond capacity when the bridge opens.

For the past 5 years, community members have been protesting at Thompson Square in Windsor every single day, 24 hours a day, Christmas Day included. They want to stop the construction of a massive bridge and road right through the nationally significant heritage square – Australia’s oldest public square.

Hunters Hill Trust has sent a submission to the Parliamentary Enquiry which we will be to able to publish when the Enquiry is made public.   You can read the Trust’s urgent letter to the NSW Premier about the Windsor Bridge Project.

Sign the petition to save Windsor Bridge here.

2018-02-01T12:19:43+11:00January 28, 2018|

Gladesville Shopping Village development update

In the August 2017 Journal we referred to the “recently approved” Planning Proposal for the Gladesville Shopping Village (GSV) site. Steve Kourepis, Hunters Hill Council’s Group Manager, Development and Regulatory Control has written to The Trust taking issue with the use of the word “approved”.

We agree that this needs clarification as it could be misconstrued that there is an approved scheme ready to be built on the GSV site or that changes to the Local Environment Plan (LEP) have been approved.  This is not the case because the planning proposal has not yet been exhibited.

We have discussed the matter with Philippa Hayes, Council’s Senior Strategic Planner.  In order to avoid any possible misunderstandings and in an attempt to make sense of the process, we have taken much of the relevant information directly from the DoP’s website as well as from Council’s website.  We hope this may help readers to understand more clearly the labyrinthine processes involved (fingers crossed – it’s complex):


2017-12-24T17:58:40+11:00December 22, 2017|

Great news: 18 Richmond Crescent Appeal dismissed

community says ‘thank you’

18 Richmond Crescent

The Land and Environment Court has dismissed an appeal from the owners of 18 Richmond Crescent after Hunters Hill Council rejected their Development Application to demolish the house and build a very large new house in its place.  Key factors cited in the judgement included:

  • heritage value of the existing cottage
  • contribution of the cottage to two conservation areas
  • impact on streetscape and character
  • alternative options to preserve building
  • meaning of ‘Conservation Area – Landscape’
  • public interest.

The house makes a positive contribution to two conservation areas and is of heritage value. The replacement building was to be of an inappropriate bulk and scale that would adversely impact on the heritage significance of the conservation areas.  Read Commissioner Jenny Smithson’s full Judgment here. 

This is a fantastic achievement for Hunters Hill Council, for the Conservation Advisory Panel and for the many local residents who worked to protect the house and the conservation areas.

2017-12-23T15:00:52+11:00December 15, 2017|

Proposed subdivision of Church land

St Peter Chanel Church (image Wikimedia)

The Marist Fathers have owned the land at 5 Crescent Street Woolwich since 1889 when they bought it from George Shannon Arthur and William Cope for 700 pounds.  The Council, in recognition of the contribution the church, its buildings and curtilage makes to the community, has waived collection of rates on the land since that time – 127 years.

The Marist Fathers now want to create two house blocks of around 1000m2 each along the northern boundary of the land, which has a frontage to Crescent Street.

Most of the existing trees, shrubs and ground cover will be removed to allow the construction of buildings, garages, driveways and recreation areas. 

This would be a very bad outcome for the community:

  • The curtilage of the Church, which is is included in the heritage listing, will be significantly reduced
  • The beautiful park-like setting of the church will be significantly changed for the worse
  • The character of the Conservation Area, particularly in Crescent St will be adversely impacted by the replacement of the landscaped area along the boundary of the church with houses and driveways and the removal of large chunks of the existing rock forms.

Open this link to see the aerial view more clearly.

2017-12-15T22:15:40+11:00December 14, 2017|

negative impact of proposed Sydney Modern

Sydney Modern NE perspective

The Hunters Hill Trust objects to the proposed extension to the Art Gallery of NSW for the following reasons:

  • Its construction requires the removal of invaluable parkland adjacent to the Royal Botanic Gardens, which also is an integral part of green curtilage around the existing Art Gallery building
  • With its alien forms the proposal is an inappropriate architectural response to the fine Art Gallery building
  • As well as destroying green space it blocks out the views of existing building from the east
  • It has a detrimental impact on the approaches to Mrs Macquarie’s chair and the east entrance to the Botanical Gardens
  • Its location next to the existing gallery in the CBD represents a lost opportunity to decentralise the important cultural role that the gallery plays in the artistic life of Sydney.

Read our submission about the proposed development and NSW Planning and Assessment Commission.


2018-02-12T17:30:12+11:00December 13, 2017|
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