The Hunters Hill Trust objects to the proposed extension to the Art Gallery of NSW for the following reasons:
- Its construction requires the removal of invaluable parkland adjacent to the Royal Botanic Gardens, which also is an integral part of green curtilage around the existing Art Gallery building
- With its alien forms the proposal is an inappropriate architectural response to the fine Art Gallery building
- As well as destroying green space it blocks out the views of existing building from the east
- It has a detrimental impact on the approaches to Mrs Macquarie’s chair and the east entrance to the Botanical Gardens
- Its location next to the existing gallery in the CBD represents a lost opportunity to decentralise the important cultural role that the gallery plays in the artistic life of Sydney.
Read our submission about the proposed development and NSW Planning and Assessment Commission.
See the devastating BEFORE and AFTER images and the assessment of the impact prepared by:
- David Chesterman AM, urban designer, architect, designer of the land bridge beside the gallery and the Eastern Distributor, acknowledged authority on heritage , landscape and view impacts of major projects
- Ros Andrews, former Trustee of Royal Botanic Garden & Domain Trust, former Chair Australian Horticulture and Landscape Foundation and NSW Institute of Horticulture
- Gillian Appleton, former Trustee of Royal Botanic Garden & Domain Trust, former Chair NSW Arts Advisory Council
- Bruce Donald AM, senior lawyer, former Chair, Environmental Defenders Office and former Australian Heritage Commissioner.
The people of New York wouldn’t dream of letting the Metropolitan Museum of Art extend into Central Park – so why is Sydney prepared to allow this? If you want to object click here by Friday night 15th. Go to ‘Your view on the application’ and select ‘I object to it‘.
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