You may have already seen the good news that, for the first time since 2015, Council has opened the Significant Tree Register (STR).  You can now nominate your favourite tree/s or even a whole street or group of significant trees for assessment!  This is such an important tool to protect our green canopy as, now more than ever, we are losing so many of our mature specimens.  For example during just one month in November last year, Council approved individual DAs that in total allowed the removal of around 20 trees!

Access to the form is only open until 26 February so we would urge you to nominate your favourite trees ASAP.  Here is the link to click through to the Nomination Form and where you can view the current list

Email your form to with ‘New Nomination for STR’ in the subject line and include your contact details or post to: General Manager, Hunters Hill Council, 22 Alexandra Street, Hunters Hill NSW 2110.

This is our chance to help protect our irreplaceable green heritage which is continually under threat!