You may not be aware that HH Council has prepared a draft Local Housing Strategy (LHS) for community comment, for future dwelling targets up to 2041 – as required by the State Government.
The Trust is concerned that behind the analysis and proposals of the LHS, is an assumption that Hunters Hill housing density must increase. Certainly, Government has imposed a modest increase, and undoubtedly those who profit from development would support a greater increase, but the Strategy’s stated first Housing Priority is to ‘meet community needs and aspirations’ (p46). The LHS fails to establish whether the residents of Hunters Hill in fact wish for more than the gradual dwelling increase imposed by Government or to justify why Council is seeking additional development opportunities.
So we are asking why:
1. Council is seeking development opportunities in excess of the dwellings required by the Department of Planning and the Greater Sydney Commission’s North District Plan. The LHS appears to align with the development proposals contained in the recent Community Infrastructure Plan (CIP) with its particular focus on Figtree/Hunters Hill Village.
2. Council has not updated the community on the responses to the CIP. We do not believe the community wants greater dwelling targets and increased development adversely impacting the existing fabric of the Municipality – such as the major re-development mooted for Figtree Park/Gladesville Road.
3. Council recognises ‘ongoing environmental impacts of increased residential densities ie traffic management’ but is still pursuing plans for additional development which will inevitably lead to increased traffic in already heavily congested areas.
4. Council’s Community Infrastructure Plan and draft Local Housing Strategy both promote additional development when it appears we are already on track to meet our LGA’s dwelling targets.
You’ll find the full document on Council’s website just search for ‘Local Housing Strategy’ and ‘Click here to view the draft Hunters Hill Local Housing Strategy‘ . At 81 pages, it is lengthy and somewhat complex, so we have extracted the relevant facts below. Council acknowledges the significant discrepancy in the LHS between the Department of Planning and the Greater Sydney Commission’s housing forecasts, and has yet to clarify the dwelling types and actual numbers! (p32)
Department of Planning (DPIE)
a) The population projection for Hunters Hill LGA has been identified to decline by 225 people from 2016 to 2041
b) The implied dwellings required for Hunters Hill in 2041 is 5,621, an increase of 82 from 2016 (p32)
c) With the limited capacity due to existing land use controls, DPIE’s housing projections indicate a growth of 75-82 dwellings by 2041 (p26)
Greater Sydney Commission (GSC)
a) The GSC 2016 North District Plan also recognises the Municipality’s constraints derived from being an historic garden suburb with significant heritage, extensive bushland and foreshore reserves and over 70% within conservation areas.
b) Their target is for 30-32.5 dwellings per year between 2016-2036 (p32)
Even without the new multi-unit development planned for Gladesville Shopping Village, existing approved DAs along Victoria Road will provide 79 dwellings well before 2041 (p27). In addition, over the last 5 years, Hunters Hill LGA has normally achieved 31.2 dwelling approvals and 27.4 dwelling completions p.a. (p25). Therefore Council will have little difficulty in meeting the projected dwelling targets of both State bodies.
We hope the above will give you a snapshot of the LHS to allow you to have your say. Simply email your views to Council at (with ‘Draft Hunters Hill Local Housing Strategy’ in the subject line) or post to: PO Box 21, Hunters Hill NSW 2110. Submissions must be received by 28 February.
Thank you for your continued engagement to ensure that Council’s multiple development plans for our heritage suburb are scrutinised and questioned!
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