48 Mary St, Hunters Hill
48 Mary Street, Hunters Hill may not be heritage listed, but it is a valuable example of Interwar Functionalist, or what is more commonly known as the ‘P and O Style’ housing. It is part of the historic record of European building in Hunters Hill.
Will it be replaced by yet another project-style house that bears no relationship to the character of the neighbourhood?
You can read HHT’s comments on the plan to demolish here.
So sad to see the P&O house being demolished. I have always thought it such a pretty house and one of many that used to be around but have now been demolished. Bonnefin road once had many eclectic styles of houses but now has mostly uniform McMansions .
I couldn’t agree more Margaret (Swinbourne). I am deeply saddened by the (not so slow) destruction of home of character and history being levelled to the ground and replaced with the hideous, far too large, modern McMansions that are invading our beautiful. I too love the quirky and well maintained P&O house, and have always desired to see the interior. The last of the 1921 cottages is subject to a DA application for destruction in my street, Richmond Crescent. It is the last one that is as original, modest, simple, and built for WW1 returning soldiers as affordable housing. All others have had some additions/renovations (including the one we purchased 18 yrs ago, from those who renovated with respect 20 years ago). I am fighting it with all of my might.
Terrible to see such houses demolished. I live in the eastern suburbs at present but own a unit out your way. The streetscapes around Bronte and Waverly are awful – shocking renovations, beautiful terraces desecrated to look like McMansions, freestanding corner Federation houses all demolished to make concrete bunker duplexes really any thing goes. So sad to see the same thing happening at Hunters Hill, one of the most beautiful suburbs in Sydney.