Preserving Our Heritage since 1968

The Hunters Hill Trust

The Hunters Hill Trust

Preserving Our Heritage since 1968

VERY late night alcohol in Hunters Hill

Hunters Hill Hotel continues its push for approval to serve alcohol until 2:00am.

NSW Police told the April 20th Land and Environment Court hearing that the proposed extended hours ‘should not be allowed’.

The evidence is clear that alcohol related harm escalates with very late trading.  Council says ‘NO‘. The community says ‘NO‘.

The matter will be heard in the Land and Environment Court on 22nd May.  Further information from Rachael Knapman 9334.8555

2017-05-22T15:46:40+10:00May 4, 2017|

Later alcohol trading hours for Hunters Hill Hotel?

Hunters Hill Hotel has lodged a new DA seeking to extend their trading hours.  They want:

  • alcohol shoeMondays to Saturdays   8:00am-2:00am the following day   (HHH currently closes at midnight)
  • Sundays   10:00am-midnight
  • Good Friday and Christmas Day   noon-10:00pm
  • New Years Eve     5:00am-2:00am the following day.

When other hotels close at midnight, people who are already intoxicated are likely to move on to Hunters Hill to keep drinking until 2:00 am.

Clear evidence links extended hours alcohol trading to increased alcohol related accidents, violence, property damage, anti-social behaviour and other preventable harm.

Say NO to DA 2016-1114.  Email or write to General Manager, Hunters Hill Council or write to the PO Box 21, Hunters Hill 2110.

2016-08-11T12:47:50+10:00August 9, 2016|

Alcohol trading in Hunters Hill till 4 a.m ?

Hunters Hill Hotel wants to extend their trading hours till 4:00 a.m (HHH currently closes at midnight).  Their DA asks for:

  • Monday-Friday: 10:00 am – 4:00 am
  • Saturday: 8:00 am – 4:00 am
  • Sunday: 8:00 am – midnight

Clear evidence shows links between extended hours alcohol trading and increased alcohol related accidents, violence, property damage, anti-social behaviour.

We urge everyone to write a short letter/email before December 24th to SAY NO to this idea.  DA 2013-1120  General Manager, Hunters Hill Council,  PO Box 21, Hunters Hill 2110.  OR   Email Barry Smith:  Read the Hunters Hill Trust‘s submission here.

alcohol  crash

See what the hotel is asking for:  Proposal to extend trading hours at Hunters Hill Hotel.

2013-12-20T18:00:07+11:00December 2, 2013|
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