Source: pinterest
Members of Hunters Hill Trust committee met with Anthony Roberts member for Lane Cove, Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy at his electoral office in Gladesville on 3rd December 2015 to discuss:
- Over-development of Sydney
- Redevelopment of Gladesville Shopping Village
- Boronia Park Plan of Management
Present: Anthony Roberts, Tony Coote, Brigid Dowsett, Alister Sharp, Kate Russell. There was no written agenda for the meeting.
A.R. began by commenting on his disappointment over the impending demolition of the building in which his office is situated; it is to be replaced by a large block of apartments.
A.R. had major concerns regarding Urban Growth NSW for its over-development of the land around North Ryde Station (in Delhi Rd), especially the small amount of open space within the development
Redevelopment of Gladesville Shopping Village
Note: A Planning Proposal for this project went to Council on 8 October: Council must respond within 90 days.
T.C. commented that drawings for the redevelopment of Gladesville Shopping Village (GSV) propose much greater heights than are allowed in current DCP and LEP, and would obstruct views from proposed redevelopment along Victoria Rd as well overshadowing the existing houses below the site. “What can we do?”
A.R.: “I’ll oppose it”
T.C.: The cottage at 10 Cowell St, owned by Council and to be sold to the GSV developer, has inadequate heritage protection.
A.R. expressed his view that the previous GSV proposal was bad architecture; cheap and nasty. And that this one is too big, too bulky, lacks a buffer zone, and makes inadequate allowance for the traffic it will generate. He stated “I’ll oppose it” by means of a submission, explaining that these days a politician cannot be seen to pressure Councils; dealings must be at arm’s length.
T.C. agreed that the latest proposal is better architecturally, but much bigger.
A.R. expressed the view that the development is too big. ‘I quite like the quaint old shopping centre … but Councils seem to have less interest in those parts along their boundaries”.
A.S. asked why NSW, and Sydney in particular, must grow so rapidly, suggesting that Government could support decentralisation.
A.R. replied that State Government cannot control its population, and must allow people to live where they will. As Minister for Industry he does what he can to locate staff in regional areas. He is particularly concerned at the hig-rise development at Meadowbank.
A.R. Perhaps in response to discussion of Council looking to sell land to the GSV developer, AR commented that he is aware that Hunters Hill Council is ‘strapped for money’, and can’t rely on rates to fund its works.
Adoption of revised Boronia Park Plan of Management
B.D. commented that the current Crown Lands Review may reclassify Boronia Park as Community Land. At this stage it is unclear how Crown reserves will allow, or not, demands for up to 30y tenure to sporting clubs, which the Trust opposes. She expressed The Trust’s opposition to also allowing carparking and construction of a Community Facility/Club House within Boronia Park, that the Draft Plan of Management, although drawn up under the Local Government Act probably should be under the Crown Lands Act.
A.R. replied that the Government has no grants available to fund further activity or a Community Facility, and stated that any construction on Government land should not be restricted to use by any small group or club.
Meeting Notes: Alister Sharp
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