Hunters Hill Council will consider the Planning Proposal from the owner of GSV who wants the Local Environmental Plan to be amended to allow them to build up to 58m (16 storeys), and increase the floor-space-ratio (FSR, which is a measure of bulk because it is the ratio of how much area a building can create, expressed as a multiple of the site footprint at ground level) from 2.3 and 2.7 at different points of the site, to 3.4 across the entire site.
The development site now includes the ‘at-grade’ car park at 4-6 Cowell St, and the timber cottage at 10 Cowell St, after the developer exercised its Option to acquire these properties from the public, settling 4th April 2016.
10 Cowell St only recently received its heritage listing after Hunters Hill finally concluded in 2015, the process of heritage listing public properties which commenced in 2012. 10 Cowell Street’s heritage listing was deferred in 2012, and when its heritage listing was included in the amendments to the Local Environmental Plan made in 2015, the curtilage was specifically excluded – despite the resolution of Council not directing such a limit to the listing, and Council not excluding curtilage on ANY other heritage listing.
Read more here in Council’s business papers, pages 19-78. Councillors will vote on whether to i) not support the applicant’s Planning Proposal, or ii) wait for the applicant to give more information.
Information and regular updates available from Gladesville Community Group.
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