The current plans for the development of the Gladesville Shopping Village will be revealed at information sessions:

Overall  plans for the development

  • 6-8pm Thursday 13th August, at the old Betta Electrical shop, opposite Coles
  • 6-8pm Monday 17th August, at the old Betta Electrical shop, opposite Coles.

homebush-west-cars-parked-xst Plans to manage the extra traffic

  •  6-7pm and 7:30-8:30pm Friday 14th August
  •  Fairland Hall,  Church Street Hunters Hill
  •  6-7pm and 7:30-8:30pm Tuesday 18th August
  •  Gladesville Library, Pittwater Road, Gladesville.


Attend a session.   Ask questions.

Is this the  best way forward for Gladesville and Hunters Hill?