We’re pleased to report that finally, after 12 months, the Park is open, although minus the toilet block still to be installed. Locals are relieved to get their park back.
We’re delighted that the Trust’s involvement in preventing the cutting down of 37 trees, has been hugely beneficial to the final result (see our previous posts).    The independent Local Planning Panel agreed with the community and twice rejected Council’s DAs to remove treesIn their final ruling on 17 March 2023, they were unanimous in their decision that this was not in the public interest.
The outcome is a win for all.    The trees will now provide some very welcome areas of shade in summer especially necessary in light of the increased paving and expansive concrete at the entry.
The Trust has always strongly advocated for a playground and we’re delighted that this has finally been realised.  
The $4.75m of public money which originally included $2.25m for the purchase of 2 Ryde Road (not permitted under the Public Spaces Legacy Grant) has potentially given rise to a surplus, but questions regarding delays and costings at Council’s 25th March meeting, resulted in the public gallery being cleared and discussions held behind closed doors.
Residents are entitled to know how public money has been spent and the Trust will be requesting Council’s full transparency in this.