The Council election on 4 December is one of the most important since the Trust was formed over 50 years ago. With the increasing pressures of losses and impacts on our built and natural heritage, our community needs Councillors who have integrity and transparency and are independent of party politics, to ensure sustainable development outcomes that support everyone’s needs fairly. Early next year Council will be reviewing the Local Environment and Development Control Plans which could mean an increase in both the height and density of our suburbs. This is a critical time for our municipality.
A particular example of this is the Property Strategy containing Council’s blueprint for our municipality for the next 10 years. Community feedback was strongly against the proposals for which no business case, needs analysis or financial risk assessment had been presented and our thanks go to Mayor Ross Williams and Councillors Sanderson, Krassoi and McLaughlin, who voted to further investigate options and financial modelling before adoption.
The Hunters Hill Trust was established to help protect our Municipality from inappropriate development. We are proud of our role in advocating for our beautiful heritage and garden suburb to be preserved. This has been even more important over the last term of Council (see Submissions) when we have pushed for sustainable and appropriate development outcomes, rather than just ‘development’. We have advocated for better facilities for our young families, particularly a reinstated playpark at Figtree Park, and supported many successful plans for adaptive re-use of local buildings.
We are fortunate to have access to magnificent parkland, harbour foreshores and bushland and need to protect what we value for present and future generations. The ongoing trend to fell mature trees and build to the fence line is sadly affecting the whole community. We hope everyone will engage in respectful debate and support those candidates who are truly committed to our local community and its diverse needs and values. Now we have a chance to vote for what we really want for the future!
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