The Weekly Times (10 April) reports that Council’s plans for an ‘all ability, inclusive’ playground are progressing, with funding of $250,000 already secured. When this project was proposed the Trust expressed concern that:
- the playground needs to be compatible with the Plan of Management for Boronia Park
- this type of playground needs a higher level of maintenance than standard Council playgrounds, so Council will need to plan for a maintenance budget. (Livvy’s Place playgrounds in Ryde and Five Dock show why this will be needed).
The Trust is part of Council’s Community Advisory Group that influences the Boronia Park’s Plan of Management. The Trust has been actively involved in developing the Boronia Park Plan of Management and remains committed to protecting, conserving and enhancing our heritage-listed site.
Green space is so precious, especially with the massive developments happening around us.
To members of the Boronia Park Plan of Management,
I was extremely upset when it finally came to my attention – alerted by my neighbour – that a playground was going to be constructed on Boronia Park – the area between Princes and High Streets. As I am directly affected by this development I would have expected to be more directly informed as I do not read the Weekly Times and have not received anything in my mailbox.
It seems to me superfluous to create yet another playground when there are already two in existence and that upgrading either of the two seems not to be under consideration. Most of all though it is terrible that so soon after Oval Three has been created – wiping away about a quarter of the Park’s natural heritage – more damage is considered. (Why don’t you build Livvi’s Park on Oval Three – there surely is enough space.)
Livvi’s Playground will require a toilet block, fencing, and lighting which will not only mar the appearance of that part of the Park but will also disturb fauna and flora. Creatures need space to thrive. The viability of the Powerful Owl for instance depends on a large area. From what is clear of all the pictures I have seen of these playgrounds is that the type of construction needed are not sympathetic to the bush environment but suitable to a more urban area. The two existing playgrounds blend in much more with their environs.
Also, as hanging on to the $200k NSW Govt grant is so important to the Council spare a thought to residents who not only will be loaded with an unsightly outlook, with more cars and littering but might lose on the investment they have made on their properties. This part of Park Rd has many new families for whom their new homes is their pension also, and investment for their children who will never be able to afford to own a home in a suburb near the city and in a neighbourhood rich in history, nature and outdoor activities.
What makes Boronia Park what it is, is incommensurate with the type of park envisioned. This does not mean that I do not support an all inclusive play space. It would be better if it could be incorporated in an existing space or replace the one on Ryde Rd with an inclusive playspace. The terms of the NSW funding should not force the Council to do more harm that good. There is no way in which the current plan will not further damage Boronia Park.
Your Sincerely,