Does this road (left) look like a “meandering trail with low indigenous vegetation to sides” to you?
The Boronia Park Plan of Management was developed after exhaustive research, consultation and expense. It clearly states that the lower part of the existing Princes Street roadway be replaced so as ‘to allow for improved pedestrian amenity and experience, reducing road width to create 3m meandering trail and low indigenous vegetation to sides and improved swale to assist with storm water sediment control’ (Section 4.5.3 Passive Recreation Management Zone, No. 3.1, p45) Instead we have a 3.5m wide road.
Council’s work on the Looped Walking Track (right) doesn’t meet the intentions of the Plan either. It has produced inferior outcomes: trip hazards and unsuitable materials that have already washed away,
The poor standard of work Council is undertaking in Boronia Park is stunning. We are concerned that the intent of the Boronia Park Plan of Management is being ignored and future work may also be inferior. Further details of the problems and recommended solutions: Hunters Hill Trust letter to Council re BP Plan of Management
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