example in Park Rd, BP
After no response from Anthony Roberts, MP for Lane Cove we contacted the media. You may have caught some of the outrage aired on ABC Radio. On 18 September, we attended a community meeting convened by Jo Haylen, MP for Summer Hill and Jamie Parker, MP for Balmain, who were both arguing in the House of Reps for the Minister for Energy to direct Ausgrid to stop lopping trees across the inner west and conservation areas.
Ausgrid was invited to the meeting but did not attend. It was a passionate, crowded meeting and residents from Leichhardt, Balmain, Marrickville, Haberfield and Hunters Hill all detailed examples of the severity of the chopping, incompetence of the contractors, lack of adequate response from Ausgrid and disinterest of the Minister, Anthony Roberts.
A small win: Ausgrid have made a commitment to reduce the ‘second’ trimming (ie trimming for regrowth) to 0.5 metres. Jamie Parker’s press release, Jo Haylen’s press release.
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