How did you spend your Monday night … dinner with loved ones, a spot of telly, nice book, feet up in front of the fire?
Spare a thought for the members of your HHT Committee:
Tony Coote, Bridget Hawthorne, Alister Sharp, Brigid Dowsett and Justin Parry-Oakden all spent YET ANOTHER Monday night up at the Council meeting, persisting with the seemingly endless process of following up on issues to protect our built and natural heritage:
- changes to the Management Plan for Boronia Park
- heritage protection for 10 Cowell Street Gladesville (the site of the 25 storey development)
- development of heritage stone cottages.
Well done and the community require people like you however a broader approach and understanding in conservation of the built environment is required
It is just as important to keep a keen eye on ensuring that the suburb grows with the world that surrounds it as it is ensuring that today’s heritage is useful tomorrow. There is no sadder experience than an empty heritage building or an under utilised one. This generally being the case because of a narrow appreciation of conservation is viewed as salvaging all aspects with little or no consideration for their future use. This leads to under utilisation and is simply not sustainable.
ALl heritage buildings were once very modern. It’s time to get realistic with how and what is salvaged or alternatively become a backward introverted town.
This also requires consideration for new developments within a heritage precinct. New and modern doesn’t mean poor quality or bad. Europe and its abundance of case studies have proven this continuously as have a few precincts in Australia. Hunters hill also has a few fine examples including houses and the Tavern which was fought the whole way by council and yet is possibly the most used building in the area under lining its success
It is Time to broaden people’s views on “conservation” and get with the times to benefit conservation of great built environment. Alternatively run the risk of losing the relevance of the heritage. This should be your task and not conservation for its sake.