Boronia Park

Boronia Park is 24.2 hectares of precious public land that includes natural bushland, river frontage and a range of recreational facilities.

Council has just appointed Thompson Berrill Landscape Design Pty Ltd ( to review the Boronia Park PoM.

The plan is  to consult ‘community group stakeholders, sporting group stakeholders, relevant government agencies and local residents via community survey questionnaire leaflet, on site community survey and online survey. Consultation is likely to be held in July and August.

The Plan is expected to:

  • Identify the aesthetic, biodiversity, recreational, education and scientific values of the park to the community
  • Identify potential opportunities for future recreational development of the park based on community priorities
  • Identify threats to the ecological quality of the bushland and provide strategies to sustainably manage the natural resources
  • Address current issues including the mix of recreational facilities, recreation needs of residents, the natural bushland and conflict between users
  • Prepare a concept plan showing practical future developments
  • Prepare guidelines for future management and maintenance of the park
  • Enable Hunter’s Hill Council to fulfil its responsibilities under NSW legislation in particular the Local Government Act 1993.

The time frames are tight.  A draft PoM will be presented to Council in September and exhibited until October, with the final Plan adopted before Christmas.