As you will see from our post of 25 August 2023 – one year ago today – we detailed the considerable heritage, environmental and safety concerns of Development Application DA2023-0094 for alterations and additions to the existing Woolwich Marina.
This DA posed serious threats to the visual enjoyment of vistas between the significant heritage listed items of Kelly’s Bush and Cockatoo Island, as well as very real safety concerns for adult and youth sailing, obstructions to water traffic and ferries and the adverse effects on sensitive bushlands, parklands and waterways.
Subsequently the DA was refused by Hunters Hill Council and our post of 3 March 2024 celebrated the fact that the Sydney North Planning Panel also agreed and refused the proposal.
Following this judgement, the proponent appealed to the Land and Environment Court and an onsite ‘Conciliation Conference’ will now be held on 19 September when Council, together with objectors including the Trust and the Friends of Kelly’s Bush, will make oral presentations to the Commissioner.   If the matter is not resolved at this time, it will proceed to a hearing, likely in 2025.

Hunters Hill locals, councillors and community groups have mobilised against a proposal to expand Woolwich Marina. Credit: Dion Georgopoulos Sydney Morning Herald

In the meantime, last week the Trust was approached by a journalist from the Sydney Morning Herald who was writing a piece about the groundswell of opposition to the extension of the marina, and contacting locals and local interest groups who had lodged objections. On Thursday morning, a group of residents and objectors gathered on the foreshore with a photographer. Read the article HERE