hazzardThe NSW Government intends to introduce its planning legislation to Parliament in 2 weeks time.  

We need to get the government to WITHDRAW ITS PLANNING BILLS AND START AGAIN because these Bills are fundamentally flawed and dangerous.

  • Hazzardous to community wellbeing
  • Hazzardous to our democracy
  • Hazzardous to honest government
  • Hazzardous to our environment
  • Hazzardous to our heritage. 

Display your own HAZZARD tape:  75mm x 100m length rolls $30 per roll.  Order some through Frances Vissel at vissel@bigpond.net.au


Contact Premier O’Farrell:  (02) 9228 5239 or email Office@premier.nsw.gov.au

It always seems impossible until it’s done’ Nelson Mandela