Preserving Our Heritage since 1968

The Hunters Hill Trust

The Hunters Hill Trust

Preserving Our Heritage since 1968

The Trust’s recent “Tree Walk”

To mark National Tree Day on 28 June, the Trust hosted a guided walk for members in the streets surrounding Garibaldi, looking at some of the most outstanding specimens in that area listed on the Significant Tree Register.
Our guide for the morning was Andrew Morton of Earthscape Horticultural Services, a consulting arborist with a passionate interest in the connection between trees, history and heritage.  The group were fascinated to hear Andrew discuss the specific specimens – their probable age, botanical characteristics and condition – but also the stories behind why certain trees were fashionable in the past and planted when and where they were.
Araucaria of different persuasions – the Norfolk Pine, Bunya and Hoop pines – were a particular focus of the walk. The weather was mostly on our side and the event much enjoyed by all participants.
This inaugural walk was very poplar and oversubscribed, so the Trust will look to run similar walks in the future. We are most grateful to Andrew, who generously donated his time, expertise and enthusiasm in the service of encouraging people to stop, look and appreciate the trees that contribute so much to our character of our historic streetscapes and gardens in Hunters Hill.

2024-11-04T13:26:45+11:00August 13, 2024|

HHT Journal June 2024

One of our important ‘contributory’ items of 1920s, 30s and 40s architecture that the Trust has requested are recorded and catalogued by Council.

Our Hunters Hill Trust June 2024 Journal is now published and covers the contentious  housing reforms and updates on trees and the latest news.   Pages 3-6 are a special supplement featuring another two modernist mid-century homes built by notable architects, to add to the ‘register’ of these important local houses.

  • From the President’s Desktop
  • How is ‘Heritage’ assessed?
  • NSW Housing Reforms
  • Hunters Hill Modern
    • 30 Woolwich Road
    • 12 Ellesmere Avenue
  • Update on Trees:
    • HHC Urban Forest Strategy
    • Significant Tree Register
    • Goat Paddock
  • News Update
2024-11-04T13:27:47+11:00July 6, 2024|

Life + Design with Tim Ross!

Our AGM and Members’ Evening was held last Thursday 27 June and our speaker, Tim Ross, treated us to a very entertaining presentation and a potted history of his love affair with mid-century modern architecture!
Members were full of appreciation for his riveting and informative talk and we were delighted that he was able to be with us this year.
Added to this was plenty of delicious food, good wine and lots of interesting conversation and an excellent evening was had by all. Tim finished his presentation with the very pertinent comment which sadly says it all and is absolutely relevant to our housing story today:

“What we build tells the story of us.  

But what we value and fight to save, defines who we are”

2024-09-04T07:45:51+10:00June 30, 2024|

Update on Figtree Park

We’re pleased to report that finally, after 12 months, the Park is open, although minus the toilet block still to be installed. Locals are relieved to get their park back.
We’re delighted that the Trust’s involvement in preventing the cutting down of 37 trees, has been hugely beneficial to the final result (see our previous posts).    The independent Local Planning Panel agreed with the community and twice rejected Council’s DAs to remove treesIn their final ruling on 17 March 2023, they were unanimous in their decision that this was not in the public interest.
The outcome is a win for all.    The trees will now provide some very welcome areas of shade in summer especially necessary in light of the increased paving and expansive concrete at the entry.
The Trust has always strongly advocated for a playground and we’re delighted that this has finally been realised.  
The $4.75m of public money which originally included $2.25m for the purchase of 2 Ryde Road (not permitted under the Public Spaces Legacy Grant) has potentially given rise to a surplus, but questions regarding delays and costings at Council’s 25th March meeting, resulted in the public gallery being cleared and discussions held behind closed doors.
Residents are entitled to know how public money has been spent and the Trust will be requesting Council’s full transparency in this.

2024-09-04T07:53:54+10:00June 17, 2024|

We must have transparency and accountability over sale of our public lands

Yet another issue regarding so-called ‘Remnant Land’ has raised its head (see our previous post dated 1 October 2022) with Council’s plans to dispose of an approx 834sqm parcel of public waterfront land (the Joubert Street South Road Reserve) .

In a closed session at Council Meeting on 27 November 2023 a resolution was carried by the Mayor’s casting vote, to progress the sale of this incredibly valuable piece of foreshore for aminimum consideration” as contained in the valuation report.
The Valuation Report was not made public at this Meeting but the Trust has located the one prepared in 2019 for the proposal to lease the land Valuation of Road Reserve for 13 Euthella Ave.
Retention in public hands was included as an option

The Trust has written to Council with our Objection to this sale of a rare remnant of foreshore, which Council should be fighting to retain to help combat climate change and preserve public access to open green space, particularly as pressures from population density increase.
We dispute Council’s position that the land is only of value to the adjoining owner at 13 Euthella Avenue who currently leases the land for $20,000pa.    Historically there was access by stairs from Joubert Street South and, as a continuation of Joubert Street, it can provide public access to the waterfront adjacent to Tarban Creek Bridge.    There is also the potential which should be explored, for future increased public access from lands retained by the Department responsible for roads, via Wandella Avenue.
Council’s own requirement that public notices be provided in accordance with the NSW Roads Act of 1993, Local Government Act 1993 and the Hunter’s Hill Council Policy for Disposal of Council Land, does not yet appear to have occurred.
Council must be transparent and explore all options.   We will never afford to buy this land back, and once in private hands, the natural rock outcrop and trees cannot be guaranteed to survive.   Our preference is for Council to maintain this as a wildlife corridor for future generations.  However if it is decided that it must be sold, it should be offered for sale publicly for the maximum benefit of ratepayers.
A very relevant recent article mentioning the above was published in the TWT of 14 February 2024. Written by Councillor Jim Sanderson it is entitled Openness and Transparency are Essential for Local Communities:

2024-03-13T07:54:55+11:00March 12, 2024|

Woolwich Marina Expansion Rejected…!

We’re delighted that the Sydney North Planning Panel has now determined that the Development Application for the Woolwich Marina be refused. Their judgement dated 29 February 2024 is here SNPP decision Woolwich Marina Expansion.
Our post of 25 August 2023 below gives details of the proposed DA20230094 2C Margaret Street Woolwich, which was to expand the berthing facilities from 45 to 79 berths to cater for vessels up to 35m in length.
Council had prepared a comprehensive Assessment and recommended refusal of the Application, and the Trust together with a group of outstanding community and sailing clubs representatives, spoke strongly against it.   The proponent may still proceed with an appeal or take it to the Land & Environment Court so there may be some way to go yet, but it’s very encouraging that the Sydney North Planning Panel recognised the major heritage, environmental and safety concerns that contributed to their decision.

2024-03-03T10:57:37+11:00March 3, 2024|

Update on State Government Proposals to Increase Housing Density

An update to our post of 15th February below in case you didn’t catch up with the discussions at Council’s Extraordinary meeting on Monday 19th February. There was a very good turnout of residents interested to hear how Council will be responding and here is a report of the meeting from the TWT:

2024-03-02T16:08:17+11:00March 2, 2024|

State Government Proposals to Increase Housing Density

The NSW Department of Planning, Housing & Infrastructure has proposed new changes to housing density across Sydney and outer regions.  This major policy shift on planning rules and regulations was published on 23 December 2023 with submissions due by 23 February 2024.
In response to the potentially alarming impacts on our suburbs, we are extremely concerned that this one-size-fits-all approach to increasing housing density will override Council’s Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and heritage provisions and allow developers to bypass the rules that reflect the values and character of our Municipality.
Much of our LGA is a conservation area. However, increased density via significant changes to our planning standards will increase heights, result in loss of trees and tree canopy, increase traffic congestion and will most definitely alter the look, character, liveability, environment and amenity of our municipality.
Council is holding an Extraordinary Council meeting on Monday 19th February 2024 at 6pm to consider the proposed reforms.  The predicted outcomes for residential areas are clearly detailed in Council’s Meeting Agenda on page 3.  Council’s proposed submission is on page 7 and maps showing the affected areas – almost the whole of the Hunters Hill Municipality – are from page 55.   Some examples of the new rules are:

  • Dual occupancy can now be on land as small as 450sqm (currently 700sqm in the LEP) with a building height of 9.5m.
  • Building heights of 21m will be allowed in Medium Density Residential areas within 400m of Employment or Mixed Use zones (ie Hunters Hill Village, Boronia Park, Gladesville Town Centre).
  • Proposed reductions in landscaping requirements on differing lot sizes – as little as 15%-30% in some cases, where currently the requirement is for 50%-60% – will have serious implications for our streetscape, tree canopy and green environment.
What you can do:

Go to the NSW Planning Portal and register your objection – however brief.  Suggestions for relevant talking points are:

  • A blanket approach to planning across all of Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong, is not suitable for all communities, particularly small communities like Hunters Hill, and is contrary to the Department’s own policies around “place-based” planning as the key to good design and healthy cities;
  • The proposals to introduce new Non-Refusal Standards will override Local Environmental Plans and lock out community views on the impact of development proposals;
  • The serious consequences of additional development on traffic congestion, existing road networks, waste services, schools and precious open space have not been considered.  A major overhaul of public transport will be required, as the limitations of our access roads will preclude any meaningful adjustments to cope with increased traffic flows.

Attend the Extraordinary Meeting at Council Chambers on Monday 19 February at 6pm.  
We have the opportunity to demonstrate the strength of feeling in the community.  If you would like to have your say, register by noon on Monday 19th at
The Trust has always advocated to increase density through sensible measures such as infill housing, terraces, semi-detached homes and dual occupancy and where applicable, adaptive-reuse.   We also welcome affordable housing strategies – our LGA has the highest percentage of affordable housing in Sydney.   A developer bonus is already in force for apartments and shop-top housing for providing 10-15% affordable housing but these new proposals could allow even greater heights and floor space ratios.
We question the perceived wisdom that the only solution to housing shortages is increasing supply. Recent research has shown:

1) When all Sydney Councils are combined, there are 163,700 unoccupied dwellings in Sydney. (SMH 16 Jan 2024)
2) There are more than 75,000 dwellings across NSW dedicated as AirBnB (SMH 9 Feb 2024)
3) The level of immigration, although reducing, is placing undue pressure on the housing market (Alan Kohler: The Great Divide).
4) Developers are land banking until conditions are favourable and sometimes choosing to hold onto properties and drip-feed stock onto the market to maximise returns (Leith van Onselen: Developer land banking drives Australia’s housing shortage June 2023).  Anecdotally, it also now appears that developers are delaying projects to see what these new changes will mean for them and whether they can achieve additional yields.

Submissions can be made via the NSW Planning Portal by Friday 23 February.


2024-02-16T13:08:32+11:00February 15, 2024|

HHT Journal December 2023

‘Wybalena’ 3 Jeanneret Avenue, Woolwich

The Trust’s latest Journal for December 2023 is here  with the focus for this edition on heritage conservation areas and our precious green environment:

  • From the President’s Desktop
  • Do Conservation Areas Offer Adequate Protection?
  • Update on Trees:
    • Council’s Tree Policy
    • Significant Tree Register
    • Street Tree Audit
    • Loss of Trees
  • Latest News:
    • Electronic Billboard at the Church Street Overpass
    • Boronia Park Sports & Community Facility
    • Woolwich Marina Expansion
    • Montefiore Proposed Development
2023-12-31T10:32:41+11:00December 31, 2023|

Christmas at Wybalena!

What an amazing venue for our Christmas Party this year!  We were thrilled to be invited to ‘Wybalena’ one of our most historic and beautiful heritage sandstone houses and were very grateful to our hosts Melissa and Joe who opened their home to over 100 Trust members so that we could enjoy a Christmas get-together in this spectacular setting.

Built by Charles Jeanneret in 1874-75 who lived here with his wife and 11 children for 20 years, the house was described in 1878 as having nine rooms, which increased to fourteen by the following year and then by 1884, was described as a sixteen room stone house with two pavilions and a summer-house in 25 acres of land!
Our local historian and academic Dr Beverley Sherry treated us to a fascinating history of Charles Jeanneret, one of the early settlers of Hunters Hill and three-time Mayor, who was responsible for the building of many classic sandstone houses on the southern side of the peninsula in the late 1800s.   We also owe our exceptional heritage of trees to his vision when in 1870 under his direction, the Council introduced a tree policy, planting avenues of trees and giving away trees to residents on the proviso that they be planted near the street frontages.
Melissa and Joe regaled us with tales of their painstaking restoration journey to rescue much of the fabric of the house which had deteriorated over the years, acknowledging their responsibility as custodians of this local treasure.  The lengthy restoration meant replacing over 40 windows, numerous cedar doors and frames, balconies and stonework, all of which were in urgent need of attention. Their insistence on everything being restored faithfully to its original design using heritage stone masons and carpenters has hopefully ensured this beautiful home will last for another 100 years!
A few images below from a very special evening…..

2023-12-03T10:34:01+11:00November 18, 2023|
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