Several of our members have written to us to share their deep disappointment about the decision taken by Council at its meeting on Monday 21 March 2022 to adopt Plans of Management that contained many elements of an unadopted draft Property Strategy, in spite of written assurances by the Acting GM in 2021 and the recent verbal assurance from the Mayor, that the draft Property Strategy was still being revised and would not be brought to the 21 March meeting.
There had been considerable community opposition to the draft Property Strategy then known as the Community Infrastructure Plan, when it was first introduced in 2021 and many individuals and organisations had contributed heartfelt and considered submissions to Council’s meeting of 26 April 2021. It was not adopted at that time and a motion was passed that ‘options and associated financial modelling be investigated’ prior to adoption.
The community’s objection to demolition and re-development at Hunters Hill Village has been clearly expressed and documented, yet the adopted Plan of Management for Figtree Park/Gladesville Road Community Centre Reserve lays the foundation for exactly that. (See HHT JOURNAL December 2020).
Neither a business case nor appropriate analysis of the long-term implications for the local community has been made available which makes this decision highly disturbing. The lack of due process and transparency in this matter is alarming. We had hoped for better leadership from our new Council.
So in line with election promises made by the Mayor to ‘ensure transparent decision making’, provide ‘better accountability and engagement with our community’ and ‘protect our heritage and built environment’, the Hunters Hill Trust has now requested that Council arrange a public Town Hall meeting to enable greater visibility on the decision.
We await Council’s response.
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