Some longstanding members of the Trust Committee, who have made huge contributions of energy, expertise and plain hard work have decided to call ‘time’ and will pass their batons to a new group:
Tony Coote who served 21 years, including 9 years as President and 1 year as Vice President
David Gaunt who served 10 years, including 4 years as President
Justin Parry-Okeden who served 3 years as Treasurer
Gully Coote who served 3 years on the Committee.
We thank them. They all left their mark and will be sorely missed. Luckily Tony will continue to provide his expert input as HHT’s representative on Council’s Conservation Advisory Panel (30 years so far).
The new HHT Committee
So now for the good news: Barbara Dorsch, Jenny Craigie, Maria Good and Mel Malloch were all elected to join the committee at last night’s AGM. The 2018-19 Committee includes:
President: Alister Sharp
Vice President: Karen Presland
Treasurer (Acting): Maureen Flowers
Secretary: Brigid Dowsett
Membership: Maureen Flowers
Committee: Jenny Craigie, Barbara Dorsch, Maria Good, Caroline Mackaness and Mel Malloch.
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