The Total Environment Centre is coordinating input to the Greater Sydney Commission from community groups, including Hunters Hill Trust. 6 areas of common interest and major concern about the rampant development in Sydney have been defined:
- Loss of local character
- Heritage protection
- Loss of biodiversity
- Urban tree cover
- Waterway health
- Loss of open space.
Experts, community groups and advocates are spelling out what action is needed now for each of these issues. Draft strategies to protect heritage include:
- Across Greater Sydney, heritage listed items and Heritage Conservation Areas should be protected from demolition and inappropriate development
- District Plans should actively seek to identify, recognize and protect heritage items and Heritage Conservation Areas from demolition and/or inappropriate development
- Development objectives should strive to protect and enhance the individual heritage values of localities within the overall area
- Development objectives should aim to create and maintain locally distinctive urban characters in new development zones.
The issues and suggested strategies for all 6 concerns are set out in the Summary of the Environment Panel’s Draft Report to GSC.
2 Viret Street is in a “residential low density area in a conservation zone” & if the building proposed in this DA goes ahead huge old trees, a natural rock cliff & an Aboriginal cave will be destroyed & an excessive sized, high building appearing as a 6 storey building from the Lane Cove river. No conservation here! A previous DA was found to be totally inconsistent with many Council regulations & this one is similar. Submissions close by 5 November.