NSW Government proposes to expand code complying development to allow medium density housing in residential areas to be assessed and certified by private certifiers, rather than go through a development assessment process through councils.
The intent is to enable medium density development (ie dual occupancies, manor houses being 2 storey buildings housing 4 dwellings, and terraces) to be fast-tracked in residential areas. It follows new state priorities that include having 90% of housing applications approved within 40 days, and the time to assess state significant projects reduced by 50%.
Hunters Hill Trust is opposed to this proposal which will:
- reduce the level of proper assessment of proposals in relation to their context
- have a negative impact on the existing character of suburban areas in Sydney
- increase the pace of destruction of Sydney caused by the proliferation of badly designed and inappropriate project houses.
Particular exclusions must be made for proposals in Conservation Areas, in the vicinity of heritage-listed buildings, parks, nature conservation areas and in areas of environmental sensitivity. Proper assessment should continue to be made in relation to the impact of such proposals on the existing character of urban and suburban areas.
Further details: HHT submission, NSW Environment Defenders Office submission and Better Planning Network’s information sheet and NSW Planning Discussion Paper. Send your submission to GPO Box 39 Sydney NSW 2001, with a follow up email (Call 1300 305 695 to ask for the relevant email address).

Source: David McWilliam
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