christmas bellsThe venue for this year’s Christmas Party is special. It is a house that has risen from the ashes of an infamous deliberately lit fire in the kitchen of what was then a restaurant. It has been wonderfully restored by the owners, Peter and Bridget Hawthorne, and is now their home. The National Trust honoured their work this year with a Built Heritage Award that includes the following commendation:

This project involved total reconstruction of a house on the edge of destruction showing an extraordinary amount of passion and commitment by its owners who clearly love it.


Hawthorne houseWhen: Thursday November 27, 2014 at 6.30 pm

Where: Bridget and Peter Hawthorne’s house at 5 Alexandra Street

Cost: $50 per person

RSVP: Maureen Flowers:

Post your cheque to:  The Secretary, Hunters Hill Trust, PO Box 85 Hunters Hill 2110

or Direct deposit (with your name)  HHT Westpac Gladesville, BSB 032 185  Account No 500410

Hawthorne house