chainsaw_heroAfter getting more than 1,800 submissions from outraged community members, the NSW government has announced changes to the 10/50 Code that has led to mass destruction of trees – regardless of threatened species legislation and tree preservation orders.

The entitlement area has been reduced to 100m for Category One and 30m for Category Two vegetation. The previous area was 350m and 150m respectively. The online mapping tool on the NSW RFS website has been updated:  Vegetation clearing map.   Heavy penalties apply to people who clear vegetation without authorisation.

Since 1 August this year, residents whose homes are located in designated ‘bushfire prone’ areas have been free to:

o   Clear trees within 10m of their house

o   Clear shrubs and other vegetation, except for trees within 50m of their house.

There will be a review, but we still need a MORATORIUM:

Contact Minister Ayres ( ) and the Premier ( ).  Details:  Ayres Media Release 10-50